Angels are suppose to be mythological saints, that guide the living to making good moral decisions. Western religions would have us believing that angels live inside glorious pearly gates and have a lifestyle to be desired by anyone. In haibane Renmei our understanding for the angelic is mangled and stomped out. Instead, here we have angels who don't know what their purpose is. Also they're cuddled up in what looks like a rundown orphanage home, properly named, "Old Home". They work for the humans that live amongst them in the town of Glie. They receive hand-me-downs for the work rather than money.
It's all apart of the Charcoal Feather Federation's rules that prohibits haibane (angels) from getting any money or any material that is new. And because of these mysterious people, dressed up in cloaks, you begin to feel the haibane are more like prisoners than citizens of the town. The fortified wall dressed along the outskirts of Glie, which they're not allowed to go outside of, does well in representing that. On the day they're free, known as their Day of Flight, is when they leave without anyone knowing. It's a realization of who they were in their past life, that enables them to go beyond the wall.
The storyline follows a new haibane, named "Rakka". The meaning of "Rakka" is falling, which was apart of her cocoon dream. From their cocoon's haibane born the same age they died. Rakka can't piece all of her dream together, but she does remember falling and a crow trying to pull her back up. Haibane that cannot remember their cocoon dream are sin-bound. It's explained that sin-bound haibane are not able to achieve their Day of Flight, until after they are forgiven.
The haibane are caught in this circle of sin, which goes "One who recognizes their own sin, has no sin. Then are you a sinner?". No matter how you answer this question, yes or no, neither are going to break you from the vicious circle. Answering no, would mean that you do not recognize your own sin, while answering yes, would mean that you are a sinner. An interesting question to chew on yourself until the conclusion of this series.
My first impression of this series, despite all the appeal it has going for it, was that it's too bland. There's a hiatus in the middle for the series that lasts around four episodes. The sub-plots destroys the momentum you have for the main plot. Rakka and Reki are the two characters of importance, yet this being a 13 episode series and all, we have to get to know the lives of the other haibane. Perhaps, if the series was shortened I would put this on my goodie list, just because reminiscing about it was quite enjoyable.